Pharmaceutical Custom ERP

NutriOriginal had a complex set of requirements touching on multiple facets of its business; it explored out-of-the-box ERPs, but could not find an enterprise solution that checked all of the boxes. NutriOriginal sought Alphabyte’s expertise in implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform…


Based out of New Jersey, USA, NutriOriginal is a global manufacturer and distributor of health ingredients for dietary supplements and functional foods with a product line that includes Plant-based Vitamins & Minerals, Ayurveda Organic Extracts, and proprietary products.

NutriOriginal has a comprehensive supply chain network consisting of manufacturers, distributors, and customers. NutriOriginal ensures that its products meet the highest quality standards by leveraging strategic partnerships and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities.


The complexity of NutriOriginal’s global supply chain came with its challenges. With manufacturing facilities, its warehouse, and customers residing in different continents across the globe, NutriOriginal faced difficulties with:

      • Sharing inventory data with customers and suppliers
      • Tracking pending, and outgoing shipments
      • Managing finances, including receivables and payables
      • Managing their customer lists and sales efforts
      • Reporting on its financials, and operations

Fix This for Us!

NutriOriginal had a complex set of requirements touching on multiple facets of its business; it explored out-of-the-box ERPs, but could not find an enterprise solution that checked all of the boxes. NutriOriginal sought Alphabyte’s expertise in implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform that included:

      • Warehouse Management System (WMS)
      • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
      • Financial Management
      • Analytics and Reporting
      • Customer and Supplier portals

Enterprise Solution

We took a deep dive into NutriOriginal’s operation and proposed a custom Cloud-based web portal, built to meet its exact needs. The implementation process involved close collaboration with NutriOriginal’s team to ensure the solution was tailor-made to their workflows and business processes. This custom solution integrated all the required business functions into a single, cohesive platform.

Our custom-built application leveraged the latest cloud technologies to ensure scalability, security, and accessibility.

Technologies Used:

      • Azure Web Apps
      • C#/.NET/TypeScript Application
      • Azure SQL
      • Azure Firewall and Security Centre
      • Embedded Tableau Reporting
      • Custom JavaScript Dashboards

Custom ERP

The custom ERP system was built to offer distinct modules for Customers, Suppliers, and Staff, each tailored to their specific needs.

Home page of Custom ERP solution.


  • Operations/Staff have comprehensive access to all system functionalities, including real-time inventory updates, incoming and outgoing shipments, financial records, operational and performance reports, and product


  • Suppliers can view relevant information such as current inventory levels, pending deliveries, financial transactions, limited operational reports, performance metrics specific to their contributions, and sample status updates.


  • Customers have access to essential data including available stock levels for ordering, shipment status, financial transactions, order status reports, engagement metrics, and sample product updates.



A Success Story

Thanks to our custom-built cloud ERP, NutriOriginal was able to streamline its sales, shipping, inventory management, and financial management processes. Customers can now easily place orders with a live inventory view, and suppliers remain updated on their fulfilment needs, accounts, and shipment statuses.

Additionally, NutriOriginal effectively created a one-stop shop for its internal staff, customers, and suppliers. The newly created digital platform integrated all aspects of the business, providing substantial savings on software subscription, implementation, and training costs compared to using multiple of out-of-the-box SaaS solutions. This tailor-made approach lays the groundwork for NutriOriginal’s future growth, and helps it solidify its place as a digital pioneer within the Pharmaceutical industry.